Thursday, September 12, 2013

Before we even began this trip we knew we would see some amazing things and I can safely say we were not disappointed. The area around our dorms is beautiful and we are sure to see much more on our weekend trips. But even though we knew about most of the things we would be doing over this semester it's so much different actually being here. There is always so much more to see then you ever expect. I was looking through all my pictures and come across all the things I didn't expect to see yet made me laugh, curious, or just confused. One of the best parts of traveling is all the surprises along the way.
 In the bathrooms.
 Robotic sign waver. Brilliant.
 Car covered in corks, because, why not?
 Outside the Springfield building.
At the New Mexico welcome center. 
 We found a snake!


  1. These pictures are amazing!! I hope you guys are having tons of fun, it looks like an incredible time hiking! I miss you guys, i cannot figure out how to post to this blog to update you guys on life back at Calvin so that's why i haven't been in good contact lately. Hope y'all love it in New Mexico :)
